
Empowerment and Mastery through the Alchemic process of self-discovery!

“Only through self-knowledge and trust in your power can you gain a true sense of self-worth and confidence to follow your dreams. Be true to yourself on all levels.

Hello, beautiful beings of the Light!

The past 6 to 8 months have been intense and, with some, difficult to understand. Many of us have experienced significant changes in our surroundings, family, friends, and careers. These changes are not expected to slow down anytime soon. It is time to comprehend the energetic and physical changes taking place within us and set a course for the upcoming year.

The concept of "embodiment" has become increasingly important with the changing energies affecting us in unfamiliar ways. It is essential to learn how to manage them, stay calm, and move forward confidently with a strong sense of self-worth, passion, and purpose.

Some Spiritual modalities have kept us focused on our wounds and shortcomings, keeping us in a constant looping pattern, creating a duality and separating us from our brilliance and divine blueprint. It's time to break free from this limiting mindset and embrace ourselves.

Join me, my team, and the new quantum energies for an 8-week journey of self-discovery. Eight sessions to help you uncover your true essence, unique talents, and life direction. Together, we will explore your identity, your heart's desires, and the reason for you within these new quantum energies. We can unlock incredible possibilities by delving into the power of love and the wisdom of our hearts. Let's uncover the hidden treasures within you and create the life you want to live.

These gatherings will feature discussion, coaching, exploration, humour, and the option to share all within a supportive group environment. Each class will incorporate high-frequency Light Codes (light language through my voice), my Crystal Bowls and my Drum (if called in). In addition, intriguing and enjoyable homework will be given between classes to keep you engaged in your personal growth and dedicated to yourself. We will delve into a new topic every week, and a Zoom link will be provided in advance via email. Furthermore, this package includes a private one-on-one session with me and my energetic team.

This eight-week deep dive is $444 and includes eight group online Zoom gatherings and a one-hour individual session with me and my energetic team.

All classes will commence at 5 PM PST and are scheduled on specific dates as listed below. If paying $444 in one go is not feasible, please get in touch with me at to discuss a three-payment option. Kindly note that all payments should be completed by December 31st, 2023. Listed below are the dates for the eight gatherings…

Sept 5th and 22nd, 2023

Oct 12, 2023

Nov 9th and 28th, 2023

Dec 22, 2023

Jan 9th and 31st, 2024

Some of what we will explore…

  • The power of the WORD.

  • Understanding Frequency

  • The new quantum energy.

  • How your past unveils your gifts.

  • What exactly is your purpose?

  • Why your light is so important?

  • Who are you?

  • What is money, really.

  • Your living environment.

  • Why set boundaries?

  • Making time for your wellness.

  • How to dream again.

  • Setting goals and instilling confidence.

  • Stop chasing and find peace.

  • Manifestation and the Universe.

  • Reshape your reality.

  • Claiming your self-worth.

Eight classes starting at the beginning of September 2023. Including one 1-hour session with me and my team for $444.


I hope you are having a great Summer so far! I can’t believe it's August 1, 2023! 
Please mark your calendar for August 8th, 2023, @ 5 PM!   It’s the Lions Gate Portal! 

If you are sensitive to the energies, it’s been a bit of a ride, as a new portal opened on July 23rd.  Perhaps you have experienced exhaustion, some vertigo, and anxiety. The good news is some of you will have started to experience new abilities. This is all part of the Divine Plan as more and more of us awaken; those who are already awake can access new intel and skills.  We are riding within, through and in combination with all energy.  “We are all connected” is now more powerful than ever.  Some of your old is leaving, and some of your new is waking up.  What does all this mean, and how does this work - we will talk about it on August 8th, 2023.  It’s a perfect time to get together as it's the Lion’s Gate Portal! 

Every year from around July 23rd and ending around August 12th, super energies come down to Earth.  August the 8th is the peak called the Lions Gate Portal, and on this particular day, increased cosmic energy flows between the physical and spiritual realms. The 8-8 Lions Gate Portal is marked by the powerhouse number 8-8. It carries an energetic impulse for action and accomplishment, providing an open window for manifestation and consciously co-creating with this energy. As we drop old DNA and activate new DNA, the 8th will give an extra kick, awakening unique DNA, receiving more light codes, mastering knowledge and evolutionary activations. 

And so, on August 8th, we will come together to support, celebrate, connect to our higher knowledge, receive the activation, and integrate. I will share what light codes are, what mastering your knowledge is, and what evolutionary activation means. Plus a few other things as we are guided.  I’ll assist in bringing the new light codes with my voice, alchemy crystal bowls and drum for complete embodiment - as above, so below…..

Should this resonate with you, please transfer to $44.00 to join.  With so much love  xo

July 7, 2023, 7/7/7 portal!

It’s a huge gate opening of energy.  Ensure you head outside and soak up all the vibes from above and below! Did you make it through the new moon, the Summer Solstice, plus the full moon this past Monday?   Extreme exhaustion, diet changes, directional changes, mental confusion, time confusion, death, and illness!  It’s all happening. 

I’ve experienced Covid these past few days, so I am late coming to you. It is not an organic illness - that’s for sure!  

All in all, we continue the process of dropping dense programming and embracing ourselves. Everything we are encountering is helping with this (including Covid).  As we ride the waves with Mother Earth, we will be guided and pushed to locate and return to our original divine blueprint and heart-centred space.  

Many relationships are ending, be it friendships, partners, marriage, etc.; some of this is painful but necessary as you connect and become more aware of your divine blueprint. There is nothing wrong with the people who are leaving. They vibrate at a different frequency and possibly even in a different dimension. As we grow, shift, and realign ourselves, we will shift relationships and experiences accordingly.  You will know when these detachments are required, as it will feel heavy to you, to the point where staying is too painful to the body and soul and exiting feels lighter and more expansive. 

As we navigate life, remember everything is energy. What you say, how you say it, what you think and how you present to the world sets you up for all experiences.  If life is challenging, take a deep breath, connect to your heart, and stay within yourself for inner peace and healing until the spirit is ready to soar again.  It is always possible to take time for rest, as rest is necessary for reintegration and realignment.  Give yourself some grace and live in gratitude.  

Wake up and ask yourself, "How do you want to experience your day?”   The choice is yours.   xoxo

And so, in saying all this, we will rest through July and reconvene in August.  

Much Love


The New Game on Earth

On Thursday at 5 pm PST, June 1, 202

During the last few years, there has been a transition—removing an old game here on Earth and inserting another.  The new game has officially been loaded, and now we are learning how to play it!  It sounds like video game chat.  Well, in a way, yes, and in a way, no…

How we used to operate here, work through things, or create/manifest things is slightly off these days. That’s because we have officially moved into a new existence. We now exist in the quantum, where we can create our life through our magnificence with what I call the Alchemy of Design. 

How does this work? There are a few things I have been noticing and experiencing and living through that I now know are pieces to this development and a new way of being. There are rules to this game, just like there were to the other way of being, but these are different. You can’t get away with things that you used to be able to get away with. What I mean by this is that you need to be 100% in alignment and wholly embodied for this to flow. Some of these blocks to an embodiment will naturally be removed from us, but others take a different level of mindfulness.  

One example and through my experiences these past few months, I’ve noticed how stepping out of something and into something else can completely fragment oneself, and then getting back to where I need or want to be is an exercise in complete mindfulness and commitment. Through this, I’ve learned how our actions, thoughts, and alignment must be 100% committed to how we are now operating. This was a fascinating and painful discovery because it showed me how we could not jump back and forth into these different realities anymore without having to do some real work to return.  I also learned that the universe rewards in the most interesting ways if one is their authentic true self, without remorse or judgment. And when you are not, how it goes the other way, BUT there is also a catch.  A most interesting discovery… 

So… Thursday at 5 pm PST, June 1, 2023, we will discuss how you can continue to find your original divine blueprint, connecting you back to your most amazing divine self, what the processes are, and how this is related to the new game here on Earth. What that new game is how all of this connects to the new way of manifesting and how we are creative beings of manifestation. In addition, I’ll bring through the light languages for the group, and we will continue to work on your divine note of self. 

If this offering resonates with you, please send $44.00 to, and I will send you a Zoom link for this the evening before. 

Closing off with and sending so much love and gratitude as we navigate these new times together. 

Remember how amazing you are in your own magnificent way! xoxo

PS: please feel free to pass on to anyone else you feel might be interested.  


Hello, beautiful beings of the light!

We are through the Spring Equinox and the intense energies of this past Easter Weekend. Phew!!

Many have been experiencing a shuffling around with relationships. Be it personal, family, friends or business. These are quickly changing now as we settle in and navigate the realities each of us is choosing. Some have left your life entirely, and others are still there but in a different capacity. They will either drop off altogether or rise and join you as you enter your soul calling. This is not for us to worry about but for them to decide. Our only concern now is to create the future and show the way. 

These transitioning times can be demanding and challenging on the body; thus, keeping ourselves clean and aware of what we are transmitting and receiving is very important. It is essential to avoid grabbing onto and taking in these energy hits. Letting them flow through vs holding on to them is necessary for these next years. 

All of this is in preparation for the new you to be energetically transformed back to your original energetic blueprint, continue to open up your gifts and allow the creation of the new earth and your new life to step into this reality.  All is done with love. 

With these changed relationships comes a new opening for you to call in. What are you wanting? Where do you see yourself? And how does the frequency within your body live to call this in? Everything is energy, so to align the frequency body with your future trajectory and your creation of life, we will gather on Friday, April 21, 2023, at 5 PST to work with the alchemy of creation, tap into the alchemy of your inner sound and connect to your divine frequency. As before, the bowls, drum and love light languages will assist with this work, guidance and self-empowerment. 

Should this invitation resonate with you, please transfer to $44 to hold your spot. I am taking a maximum of 8 people for this evening. You will receive a Zoom link the day before. Much love xo

Spring Equinox Gathering

March 20, 2023 via zoom - 5 pm PST.

What an exciting time here on Earth!

March is non-stop preparation for the Equinox gateway as pieces of the shadow self, memories and programming continue to unravel and dissolve. The most potent block you won't let go of is showing up daily in various forms asking you to identify it. Once recognized, it can be gone. Repeat...I see you; I love you; it's time to go.

We are stepping into the new energies after the equinox with the ability to access higher ascension gateways. Much surrounds "water" as an alchemical element across the multiverse. We are 70% water, so we are feeling this as well.

On Monday, March 20, @ 5 PM PST, we will be solidifying the exit of these blocks and patterns you have been working with this month, sitting with the earth vibration through the drum and then opening up for the new energies and gateways with the alchemy crystal bowls.

Over these last few months, some of you have started to have your voice activated, and some are opening up / remembering your dormant gifts. Light language throughout the evening should help with this further. We will also discuss your divine tone and the healing power of your voice.

Should this offering resonate with you, please send via e-transfer to of $44.00

I will confirm and send the zoom link out the evening before.

With much love & gratitude,

Cindy Davidson


Light Language/Frequency/ Quantum Course

Within your being, you carry a personal sovereign frequency and healing tone. Your frequency holds the keys to health and a deeper connection to yourself and your truth. It will raise your awarenesses on many levels. They are direct transmissions of light codes that are shared to bring through specific vibrations for serving the highest good of all receiving. They are key codes of information for healing, empowerment, and awakening. Through your natural frequency and the other frequencies you carry, you can release energy blocks in your body, shift the energy in a room, assist others in removing their energy blocks and keep yourself calm and grounded, to name a few. You have your own source connection and knowledge for this work, and this is what we will be discovering and working with.

Everything vibrates. The law of vibration tells us that the whole universe is vibration. Science has confirmed that everything in the universe, including you, is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies. Life on earth is driven by Light, water and frequency, and we are no exception.

Light language can be sung, spoken, moved, written, or expressed through artistic mediums. We will be working with all of these. The hour will start with a frequency transmission from myself to you, and then we will move into guidance, information, practice and Q&A.

There are so many powerful souls on the planet right now, and you are one of them! We are all stepping into the wonderful world of energy, opening our minds and heart to navigating our world from much higher vibrational frequencies and ever-expanding consciousness. I am so looking forward to connecting with you on this quantum level. xo

This Light Language/Frequency/quantum course will run for six weeks $555.00*

Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 PST starting March 8, 2023.

You will also receive a one hour 1 to 1 with me during or after the course (your choice).

Registration takes place immediately.

The maximum number of participants is five.

Each class through Zoom and a consistent focus with the same group each week.

A little about me: in 2009, I woke up and had this urge to paint. I had never held an artist paint brush before. I started creating, and my hands began heating up, with sacred geometry symbols coming through onto the canvas. Then my voice started sounding with different sounds, tones and languages. I had no idea at the time that I was activating my internal gifts - Frequency, language, sacred geometry, and creation. These gifts had laid dormant until I was ready. My art took off, and People communicated that they purchased the art based on the feeling from it, not the colours or context. They subconsciously knew it held something that called to their inner knowing and soul.

From there, I continued to paint and offered sound healing events with my sacred drum and crystal singing bowls and voice. Through Covid and in isolation, I discovered my true essence tone. It came through as a comfort one night and has not left. I also discovered how to bring in my other frequencies from other lifetimes through my own source connection. These are also some of yours, as we are all connected on one level or another. xo

*If this offering resonates with you and you wish to move forward and register, please let me know by email, click the connect button at the bottom of the page, we can arrange an e-transfer. We can also make arrangements for two equal installments.