The Quantum Home

Step 1 - Stuff and the Emotions

Everything is energy, and every item in your home holds a frequency that either helps you move forward or holds you back. These can be held in clothing, furniture or knickknacks; if it has old, unhelpful energy attached to it or energy that no longer aligns with your family or your goals, it must go.

Cindy will expertly guide you through letting go and releasing, working intuitively and energetically. You'll learn how to clear the emotions that caused the attachments in the first place as you declutter, deep clean and prepare for the next step.

Step 2 - Light Language

An energetic Light Language will be transferred into the home, purifying and clearing out any unhelpful or stuck energy sitting in the home. This will raise the vibration in the home and help hold the new frequency of your environment.

Step 3 - Furniture

Furniture flow in your home is so important. An ill-placed piece can cause energy spinning or completely block a flow. And, sometimes, you need to place a piece to stop chaotic energy. We'll work with what you have or provide advice on anything new. Everything will have a place, and everything will be handled with the intention of love, resulting in a beautiful flow of energy as you move from room to room.

Step 4 - Colour

Colour is critical to balance your flow and emotions. All colours hold a frequency and will be reviewed and discussed to ensure you are swimming in the correct balance of your purity.

Step 5 - Art Work, Plants, Crystals

Crystals, new art, plants and a custom scent explicitly selected for your home and your energy. The finishing touches bring the whole home together. Additionally, Cindy can create an art piece to seal the unique energy created; please enquire about this during your initial consultation.

If, when entering your home you feel burdened, uncomfortable, stuck, unfocused, unrested, argumentative, or overly emotional then let Cindy bring her guidance, wisdom and knowledge right to your home to reclaim your space, energy and your life! 

It is an undeniable fact that everything in the universe is made up of energy, including every single object in your home. These objects possess their own frequency and memory frequency. By creating a harmonious living space you can set the stage for personal abundance and a peaceful home. 

Some contributing aspects that can impact the energy in your home include CLUTTER, FURNITURE, COLOURS, EMF’s, CRYSTALS, PLANTS, ART, ENERGY, and LIGHT LANGUAGE.

Cindy brings her guidance, wisdom, and knowledge right to your home and includes:

    • Assistance through decluttering and purging your space Including guidance, coaching and releasing techniques.

    • A review and correction of your home to identify non-physical energies and their effect on the vibration of your space.

    • Layout of your furniture including a reviewed placement and plan.

    • Colour review and analysis within each room in your home.

    • Crystal gridding and suggestions understanding their importance

    • Suggestion of the types of plants and their placement for optimal health

    • Art Placement  

There are various options available for working together:

Individual sessions to assess your needs and provide suggestions:

One-hour session - $150

Three-hour session - $425

Six hour session - $800

Packages to transform your space:

Alchemy Gold PACKAGE - complete home transformation - $3,500 (3 hrs x 8 wks 24 hrs)

Alchemy Silver PACKAGE - main rooms transformed - $1,750  (3hrs x 4 visits 12 hrs)

Alchemy Bronze PACKAGE - remote guidance - $1,175 (2 hrs x 4 sessions 8 hours)


Cindy's support, guidance, expertise, and coaching, along with your energy, dedication, and enthusiasm, will result in the creation of your most serene and attractive home setting, paving the way for great abundance and prosperity, enabling you to attain the life you desire and truly deserve.

If you're still unsure about which package to choose, or if you'd like to chat first, or if you'd prefer to do just one room instead or a storage locker instead of the whole house, please send an email. We can arrange a time to talk and address any questions or concerns you may have.